Kodiak Chamber of Commerce | GrowthZone Template
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Farm Tech

We are looking for an enthusiastic, hardworking, and motivated individual who is passionate about food security to join our team as a Farm Tech. Hydroponics/farming experience not required but definitely a plus.

The right candidate will be an independent worker, detail oriented, efficient, organized, able to follow instructions, think critically, solve problems and thrive with a weekly routine.

This job is part time and approximately 26 hours a week. Must be available a minimum of all day Monday - Wednesday, and for a couple hours Thursday and Friday. Additional hours will be required periodically to assume extra duties while team members are out of town.

Additional requirements: Finished high school with diploma or GED, at least 18, with a clean driving record and driver’s license.

For more information about the position, including the full job description, please send an email inquiry to brightboxfarms@gmail.com.

Feel free to include a cover letter and resume with references if you are interested in applying