Teen D&D
Wednesdays at 2:45pm is Teen D&D Club. Open to middle school and high school ages.
Kodiak Public Library Bridge Club
Mondays at 1 pm is the library's Bridge Club Meeting. This club welcomes seasoned payers of Contract Bridge.
Artifact Observation at Kodiak History Museum
?Artifact Observations? at the Baranov Museum - a no-cost, walk-in learning time for students ages 5-15. Come meet an interesting artifact each month.
Teen D&D
Wednesdays at 2:45pm is Teen D&D Club. Open to middle school and high school ages.
Kodiak Public Library Bridge Club
Mondays at 1 pm is the library's Bridge Club Meeting. This club welcomes seasoned payers of Contract Bridge.
Kodiak Nonprofit Network
Open to all nonprofit leaders (managers, directors, board members, etc.) in the community. Discussions (and attendance) are varied, but usually informative.
Teen D&D
Wednesdays at 2:45pm is Teen D&D Club. Open to middle school and high school ages.